The principles of the Montessori Teaching Method

The purpose and relevance of the 8 principles of Montessori teacher training for teachers and home care givers in Kuwait.

Human beings are naturally curious, intelligent and designed to learn. The Montessori approach puts the development of a child's natural abilities first and foremost, treating each child as a unique individual who is capable of learning when given proper guidance, encouragement and freedom to pursue their interests.

 Although it has taken over 100 years for Maria Montessori's revolutionary ideas to be accepted today as a method of education and a way of understanding children, this teaching has quickly become famous. This is because it was the first teaching method that tried to create an environment in which children learned from themselves, according to their individual rhythm.

This blog will introduce you to the eight principles of this course in Montessori teacher training in Kuwait. We will look at each principle and examine its purpose and relevance in modern society 

1.      Observation

Observation helps the pupil become aware of his environment. It also helps him gain a better understanding of himself and the world around him. The teacher should be aware of what is going on in the classroom at all times. She must be able to notice when a child is having difficulty, or when a child is not paying attention.

Montessori training courses in Kuwait equip teachers to observe and record what each child is doing, how they are learning, and how they are developing. This allows the teacher to understand each child’s needs and make changes so that they can continue to grow. Observation is a powerful tool because it allows you to see things from multiple perspectives and helps you solve problems more effectively.

2.      Individualised Learning

The Montessori Method focuses on each child's ability to learn by observing their own interests and needs. The teacher helps the child to find ways to solve problems, but does not give them the answers. This is done by first observing the child and understanding what they need and then providing materials that address their learning needs. In this way, each child develops his or her own unique way of learning through self-directed exploration.

3.      Respect for the Child

The teacher respects the child and this is a two-way street. Both parties need to respect each other in order for the relationship to be effective. Respect is important because it allows the child to feel comfortable making mistakes and learning from them. If a child feels that he or she is being criticised, blamed or judged, then he or she may become timid and fearful and will not want to be involved in any activity. This will ultimately lead to low self-esteem and poor academic performance in school.

The classroom should be a safe place where children can explore freely without fear of failure or embarrassment. A teacher who has attended Mind Boosters’ Montessori teacher training Diploma courses will learn to observe each child closely as they interact with their materials and surroundings, noting any unique characteristics in order to tailor her teaching methods accordingly.

4.      Freedom of Movement and Choice

The freedom of movement is one of the most important elements that we offer to our children. The freedom of movement allows the child to explore their environment and helps them develop their independence. In addition, it also helps them improve their motor skills by moving around the classroom freely.

Choice is another important element as per Montessori Teacher Training  in Kuwait. We give children the choice to choose what they would like to do or play within each activity. This gives them a sense of responsibility and ownership over their learning process. They feel like they are part of making decisions about what will happen next which makes them more invested in their learning experience.

5.      Prepared Environment

In this environment, children are introduced to the materials, activities and routines of their classroom. The purpose of this step is to allow children to become familiar with the space and materials that they will be working with throughout their academic career. This familiarity will help them understand what is expected of them as well as what to expect from the teacher and other students in their classroom.

A teacher who attended teacher training courses knows that the prepared environment is designed to meet the individual needs of each child, with a balance between freedom and structure. Children should be able to move freely around the classroom without obstructions or distractions so that they can explore all aspects of the room on their own time.

6.      Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation refers to doing an activity because it is interesting or enjoyable in itself. It contrasts with extrinsic motivation, which occurs when we do something because we want to get something else (e.g., a reward). Intrinsic motivation is associated with greater long-term effort, better performance and higher self-efficacy.

The Montessori approach to education encourages students to develop their own self-motivation in order to learn effectively. This means that students should be encouraged to find their own reasons for learning and completing their work. For example, if you are teaching your child how to read, instead of telling them they need this skill so they can go on to school and have a successful life, try asking them what they think they will gain from reading? What do they want to use it for? This will help them understand why they need these skills, which will make them more likely to stick with it through difficult times (such as when they come across words they don't know yet).

7.      The Absorbent Mind

The principle refers to the fact that a child absorbs everything that happens around him or her. The child is aware of everything and understands what is happening around him or her. A child's brain absorbs information like a sponge absorbs water.

The Absorbent Mind means that children are constantly learning and absorbing new things, no matter what they're doing. They learn by doing, not by being taught. In other words, children learn through experience and experimentation rather than through direct instruction or explanations.

This is an important concept because children are naturally curious about the world around them and want to understand how things work. When they see something new or interesting, they will stop everything else in order to explore it further. Children can't be forced into learning something; they only absorb knowledge when it's presented in an appealing way or if it interests them enough to want to know more about it.

8.      Following the Child's Interests

One of the aims of the Mind Boosters’ Diploma in early childhood care and education teacher training program in Kuwait is to equip teachers with observation skills that help them understand that pupils in the classroom are of all ages, backgrounds, cultures and abilities. The most important characteristic that unites them is that they are all very different from one another. Therefore, each child has their own unique interests, strengths, and learning styles. This means that they need to be taught in different ways to reach their full potential.

The Montessori Method uses this principle by educating the whole child based on each child's unique interests, strengths and learning style. It aims to provide a complete education that includes physical, emotional and intellectual development as well as social skills so that children are able to function as happy, healthy individuals within society as well as being able to contribute through meaningful work at home or in the community when they are older.

Moreover, among all institutes offering Montessori training courses in Kuwait, Mind Boosters is among the few training centres with a well -developed curriculum based on Master Maria Montessori's original emphasis of Purposeful Education. Our Academy highlights this concept of education, which allows a child to develop language skills and improve their analytical, practical and social skills as well as giving them a sense of responsibility for their own learning. Join us so that every child can have a rich learning experience.


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