Blended Learning – A Checklist to Ensure Authentic Implementation in the Classroom
Technology is such a huge part of our lives now, that it is hard to imagine a classroom without at least some use of technology on a semi-regular basis. From tools as simple as a document camera and projector system to schools that have a 1 to 1 student to device ratio, the range of technology used in classrooms is vast and varied. The term blended learning has recently come about to describe the instructional practice of blending technology with traditional learning. However, there are many misconceptions about what true blended learning is. Technology Uses The first misconception is that any use of technology constitutes blended learning. If your class uses laptops or visits a computer lab once a week for a special skills lesson, or to type up a paper in a word-processing program, that is not considered blended learning. Blended learning involves the use of a variety of tools such as computers, laptops, Chromebooks, Smart Boards, response systems, and iPads that he...