Preschool Class Control techniques
Preschool children are little ones who are developing their basic skills and trying to figure the
ways of socializing with adults and their peers. The preschool children are also learning to adjust to the
new classroom environment. As preschool teachers, we need to plan a few strategies which will help in
class management. We present you few ideas of class control techniques in this article.
1. “Teachers should be warm and caring toward children who are acting upset,” says
Stephanie Leclair of Tiny Hoppers. All ways try to be a teacher, who always is open in
conversation with the preschoolers. When the teacher is warm, the child will open up
themselves and feel reassured. This attitude of the teacher in the class will help in managing
the class efficiently.
2. Organize your classroom in a way that the class materials are organized as noisy corners and
quiet corners in different parts of a classroom. The noisy corners may include play materials
such as blocks and the quiet corner will be a reading corner. The children must be also made
aware of the place to have their food, play activities, time out, exploring corners,s, etc. This
classroom organization will help in managing the classroom without chaos.
3. Children at the preschool always do not know to manage their emotions well. Instead
of asking them “What is wrong?” the teacher can ask them to stay in the ‘Safe corner’ and
get back to class once they are fine to join their peers. This way the child will learn to deal
with their emotions. The teacher can also facilitate them in expressing their emotions in the art
form. The teacher can also assist the children in achieving their goal of managing emotions.
4. There will be several times in a day that the children transit from one activity to the other.
Set a routine for their transition. It can be a simple technique like counting one to ten and
they are supposed to make their transitions between their activities. The idea here is to set
the routine.
5. One of the best ways to organize your classroom is to place child-friendly labels in the
classroom which helps the children to understand their classroom organization. Once they
are clear with the labels, the task gets easier that they follow instructions.
6. Routine is important for children and consistency is the key in setting the routine. Be
consistent with the children about classroom rules. So be consistent with the activities you
present to the children.
These are some of the class control techniques a preschool teacher can follow to manage their class.
Originally posted by Primary Teacher Training Dubai and Sharjah
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